MARCH BLOG- A Seed, a Branch and a Grain of Wheat

MARCH BLOG- A Seed, a Branch and a Grain of Wheat

In Matthew, Mark, Luke and John agricultural facts served as imagery for truths Jesus taught.  Case in point, Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat is planted in the soil and dies, it remains alone.  But its death will produce many new kernels (John 12:24, NLT).”

He also taught of seeds needing to be planted and branches being attached to the vine to “produce much fruit” (John 15:5[b]).  Ordinary imagery is used to imply a fundamental truth: believers are to make a conscious decision on a regular basis to stay put, embrace Jesus.  

“Stay put, embrace Jesus?” What does that look like?  The first thing that comes to mind is that the Holy Spirit, if allowed, will grow attitudes and characteristics (see Galatians 5:22-23) in you that look and sound like Jesus.  It’s pretty tough to fake those character traits! Secondly, ask yourself, “Am I continuing to believe and accept the sound teaching of the church?” (see 1 John 4:6) Church is where we’re taught the important things about God and ourselves from God’s point of view.  Another way we believers embrace God is by humbling ourselves and obeying His commands. When you sin, do you ask for God’s forgiveness? When offended do you offend back or turn to God to fight your battles? Are you a generous giver? Do you serve others? Scripture is brimming with God’s commands for our good!  

The Holy Spirit indwells every believer at the moment of atonement, then it’s up to the believer to begin embracing their Lord.  God will not make you do this. Get a move on, begin to embrace Jesus now. Staying put isn’t a one-way street, it’s God and you.  Initially it will take continual effort until you grow some roots, then it really will become a way of life lived nearly without hesitation.